Help & FAQ

About the LILA app
What is the LILA app?
What is the Lila app?
The Lila app turns your birth horoscope into psychological insights that guide you toward better choices in your relationships, career, and life. Consider Lila your personal guide to aligning with your potential. The app offers a unique combination of expertise and excitement found nowhere else in the astrology world. One of its primary goals is to help you relate more deeply to yourself, your loved ones, and the cosmic cycles that govern us all.
What makes Lila different from other astrology apps?
What makes Lila different from other astrology apps?
Unlike other apps, LILA doesn’t resort to vague platitudes or tired stereotypes. We want to empower you with the astrology of choice and free will. LILA gives you tools to help you co-create with the Cosmos. It’s here to inspire action and remind you that your destiny is in your own hands.
Who is Lila?
Who is Lila?
“Lila” isn’t a person at all! It’s a Sanskrit word meaning “the divine play of the Universe.” The key is to remember that you are part of that divine play. The more harmoniously you perform your role, the better you’ll feel. You’ll sense that you are on the right path and that your life is unfolding as it should. You’ll meet the people you’re supposed to meet. In a perfect world, no one would need astrology to help them find that path. This world is full of traps, temptations, and trickery – but nothing that LILA can’t help you navigate!
Is Lila a dating app?
Is Lila a dating app?
LILA is not specifically geared to be a dating app. Its focus is on love in all forms – especially self-love – through the exploration and understanding of one's evolutionary journey. You can access the app’s extensive library of relationship content in the My Chart and Connections tabs.
Is there a Lila app for Android?
Is there a Lila app for Android?
Yes! As of June 10, 2024 Android users can find Lila available to download in the Google Play Store.
Technical Questions
What devices are supported?
What devices are supported?
The LILA app is compatible with Apple iPhone devices with iOS version 15.5 or later and Android devices with OS Nougat 7.0 or later.
Why is my birth time required?
Why is my birth time required?
Your exact time of birth is needed to calculate your ascendant and astrological houses. These provide a fuller picture of your chart and allow LILA to get more specific with our transit information. Luckily, there is still tons of insightful and inspirational content in the app for people who don’t know their birth time! If you don’t have a birth time, no problem! When you sign up, tap “Unknown” on the birth time picker.
Can I enter an approximate birth time?
Can I enter an approximate birth time?
If you aren’t positive of your exact birth time but have a general idea, it’s fine to enter an approximation. However, please note: certain content may not be as accurate for users who provide estimated birth times.
What timezone does the app use?
What timezone does the app use?
LILA uses your local time! Any event timestamps you see are based on your device's current location. For birth times, the app automatically sets them to the local time of your birthplace.
Do notifications adjust to my current time zone?
Do notifications adjust to my current time zone?
Yes. Any notifications you see in the app reflect the time zone in your current location.
About Astrology
How can astrology benefit me?
How can astrology benefit me?
For millennia, observing planetary motion has helped humans to make better decisions, plan important events, and find meaning in challenging times. No matter who we are or where we come from, astrology provides a blueprint for the life each of us was born to live. This ancient wisdom helps us all to discover our rightful place in the Universe and become the luckiest, happiest version of ourselves.
What is evolutionary astrology?
What is evolutionary astrology?
Evolutionary astrology sees the familiar signs of the zodiac in a fresh way, one that is centered on freedom, choice, and imagination. This tradition assumes that each of us is able to work with the astrological forces, not simply be directed by them. It is never "predictive" in a rigid or fatalistic sense; it's up to you how you interact with the field and create your own path forward.
Is astrology real?
Is astrology real?
Astrology is very much “real!” It’s been used for thousands of years to help people all over the globe make sense of themselves, their loved ones, and the world around them. Some people cast doubt on astrology due to a shallow or misinformed understanding of the practice. Once these people dive a little deeper into its many complexities, we think they’ll be much better off!
Why is my rising sign wrong in the app?
Why is my rising sign wrong in the app?
A small subset of our users have reported inaccurate rising signs in the app. This usually occurs when the user was born before 1970, the year U.S. time zones were standardized. Since a user’s rising sign is determined by their exact time of birth, the resulting time zone offset can alter the rising sign. If you’re experiencing this issue, please reach out to
Why are my planets off by one house in the app?
Why are my planets off by one house in the app?
While we pride ourselves on the accuracy of our app, we run into occasional glitches. One may be that the planets in your birth chart are a house off from what you expect. One explanation may be that you’re accustomed to a different house system than Placidus, making your planets appear in different houses than you’re used to. You can verify your Placidus house placements by Googling “free Placidus birth chart calculator.” If you’re still running into this issue, please reach out to
What are astrological houses?
What are astrological houses?
In astrology, the houses are the “where” of your birth chart – the different areas that make up your life. Each is associated with certain qualities, subjects, and personality traits. For example, the 10th house represents career and traditional values, while the 9th house is all about travel and philosophy. Every astrological house in your chart is ruled by a different sign and contains different planets (or maybe none at all). Visit the “My Chart” screen in the LILA app and tap on the planets to see which houses they fall under.
What are astrological transits?
What are astrological transits?
In astrology, transits are defined as the planets’ motion through the signs of the zodiac. Each planet transits through all 12 signs over a set period of time. When the Sun is in Cancer from late June to late July, we say it’s “transiting” Cancer. The LILA app has a whole tab just for transits!
What does it mean when people say Mercury is in retrograde? Is it bad?
What does it mean when people say Mercury is in retrograde? Is it bad?
Mercury retrograde is not something to fear—it’s something to use! During this period, Mercury appears to be moving backward, providing us with an opportunity to revisit the past and gain new insights into our lives. It’s about rethinking our personal histories so we can better understand them and integrate the lessons they have to teach us.
What does it mean when one planet is “conjunct” another?
What does it mean when one planet is “conjunct” another?
When one planet is conjunct another, that means they’re aligned in the same spot. For instance, if your Sun and Neptune are conjunct, you were born at the exact moment their orbits aligned. This phenomenon is called a “conjunction,” and it’s incredibly powerful!
Are Rising and Ascendant the same?
Are Rising and Ascendant the same?
Yes, the astrological terms “rising” and “ascendant” are interchangeable! They indicate the constellation that was on the horizon at the moment of your birth. Find yours in the LILA app.
What is the Primal Triad?
What is the Primal Triad?
The Primal Triad is a person’s Sun, Moon, and Ascendant (or Rising). These are the most crucial three planets in your birth chart – and probably the ones you know best! Together, the Primal Triad forms the foundation of your birth chart and informs much of how you think, feel, and relate to the world. Read up on yours in the LILA app.
Why are the Sun and Moon considered planets in astrology?
Why are the Sun and Moon considered planets in astrology?
Astrology came into being thousands of years ago, when people’s grasp of the solar system was not as advanced as it is now. Planets were defined as anything that moved across the sky from our view on Earth. As such, the Earth is not considered a planet in astrology, but the Sun and the Moon are.
What are the North and South Nodes?
What are the North and South Nodes?
The North and South Nodes (also called the Lunar Nodes) are celestial points that spell out your soul’s overarching journey. The South Node represents where you’re coming from – what you endured in a past life and how it shapes your present experience. The North Node indicates the less familiar but deeply rewarding path you’re following this time around. Learn about yours in the LILA app.
Why are my Nodes different in the app from what I’ve seen online?
Why are my Nodes different in the app from what I’ve seen online?
The Nodes have two variations: the “True” and the “Mean” Nodes. Both versions are theoretical points found along the Moon. Rather than tangible physical objects, the Nodes are actually calculations, and they can differ by a couple of degrees depending on how they’re found. The Mean Node (which LILA uses) takes the planets’ wobbly orbits into account more fully while the True Node is the more precise measurement. Both measurements have equal merit, don’t vary too much, and are accepted by astrologers.
What house system do you use?
What house system do you use?
The LILA app uses the Placidus house system. Your houses and the planets they contain may look a little different if you’re used to another system, such as Whole Sign.
Why Placidus?
Why Placidus?
The Placidus house system is a modern house system that accounts for unequal house divisions. There are many systems of house division in astrology. We've found that the Placidus system which we use to be the best at answering the kinds of psychological and spiritual questions that LILA aims to answer. Let’s say you have two planets in Gemini. Depending on the degrees of each planet, one might fall under the 12th house and one under the 1st using the Placidus system. In an equal house system like Whole Signs for example, however, both planets would be in the same house regardless of their degrees. It’s important to note that no house systems are “correct” or “incorrect;” they are simply different having originated from different astrological traditions – and all have their usefulness.
Why is Pluto considered a planet in astrology if it's not a real planet?
Why is Pluto considered a planet in astrology if it's not a real planet?
Astrology was invented long before 2006, when Pluto was demoted to a “dwarf planet.” As such, it is still considered a valid and vital planet for astrological purposes. Read about yours in the LILA app.
Subscription & Billing
What is LILA All Access?
What is LILA All Access?
LILA All Access is our premium app experience! It offers a host of exclusive content and new features to guide you along your evolutionary journey. LILA All Access is here to help you learn more about the astrological blueprint of your life.
How does billing work for LILA All Access?
How does billing work for LILA All Access?
Monthly and annual subscriptions are available via in-app purchase.
How can I cancel or unsubscribe from LILA All Access?
How can I cancel or unsubscribe from LILA All Access?
We’re sorry to hear you want to cancel. Our Support team would love to know why and help address any concerns before you leave us. We’re open to all your honest feedback at
Subscription changes happen directly through the iOS App Store. Find instructions to modify or cancel your membership here.
How do I delete my account and data?
How do I delete my account and data?
If you are sure you’d like to delete your account, we’ll be sad to see you go. You can go into Account Settings and tap on the Delete Account button.

Please note that deleting your account is not the equivalent of canceling your subscription to LILA All Access. You must still cancel your LILA All Access subscription through the Apple App Store first to avoid recurring charges.
How do I request a refund?
How do I request a refund?
We’re sorry to hear you weren’t satisfied with your subscription to LILA All Access. Subscription changes and payments are processed directly through the iOS App Store.

Find instructions to cancel here. Instructions to request a refund are here.

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