Your astrological guide to co-creating with the Cosmos.

What does "Lila" mean?

“Lila” is a Sanskrit word that translates to the “divine play of the universe.”

Underlying that divine play is a sacred purpose: opening our hearts as speedily as we can. 

Our Story


LILA’s All Access, the app’s subscription service, becomes available for purchase.


LILA launches in the App Store.


LILA begins collaboration with the AstroTwins.


Steve, Ricky and Linnea decide to start LILA.


Ricky and Linnea attend Steven’s workshop on relationship astrology and get the inspiration to create LILA. One month later, they marry in Vegas.


Linnea and Ricky meet at a party. Their first conversation is about astrology, which Linnea was new to.

What is Lila?

Lila is like a wise friend who loves and respects you, but who also knows your blindspots and isn’t afraid to be honest with you about them. Listen to Lila’s messages and watch as your life gets luckier and happier. Lila is an astrologer, but not like the ones you’ve probably encountered before – Lila knows that you’re not a puppet dangling from the planets’ strings. Meet the astrology of freedom and personal empowerment.

the power of imagination

Freedom & Choice Above All

With Lila, everything centers on choices you make and the power of your own imagination. We don’t predict your future. That’s simply because we don’t believe that you’re predictable. “Aries” and “Gemini” are evolutionary paths, not pre-programmed personality traits. As you explore them, they branch out in an infinite number of ways. Each one feeds your soul, helping you become the person you were always meant to be.

designed by

Master Astrologers 

Each feature in the Lila app has been designed by master evolutionary astrologers. None believe that your fate is “written in the stars” – instead, they believe that you are writing it yourself. With Lila’s help, you can expect more vibrancy in everything from your health and work to your family, friends, and finances. Even your love life will get a boost!

LILA Puts Your

Soul’s Journey First 

Underlying everything that Lila will ever say to you is a sense of your life as a spiritual journey. We reject the idea of a random, meaningless universe. Instead, everything that happens in your life represents a chance to learn and grow. Let Lila help you respond to those chances with maximum wisdom!


Lila in love

Love is a big word! You love your friends and maybe you love your family. Maybe you love your cat or your dog. Lila speaks loudly and clearly about love – but not only about romantic love. The loving dance you do with everyone in your life is close to the heart of your spiritual journey. Let Lilas compassionate insights help you navigate all of your personal relationships!

Romance, of course, is a huge piece of almost everyone’s emotional puzzle. Many of us initially turn to astrology in search of our perfect match. While Lila can’t wave a magic wand and present you with your soulmate, we do focus a lot of attention on these special relationships. We’ll help you know who’s good for you – and who’s not. Once you’ve found someone who feels right, we’ll help you both find your way through any tricky patches you might encounter.

One relationship is more critical to your well-being than any other, and that’s your relationship with yourself. Right there is Lila’s ultimate mission – helping you to know yourself better, to love yourself more, and to reach your highest personal potentials. No matter how well anyone may think they understand themselves, there’s always more to uncover. Let Lila lead you toward your most authentic self, then watch as “luck” takes over. But it’s not “luck” – it’s destiny!


What is a birth chart?

Your chart is simply a map of the sky set for the moment of your first breath from the perspective of the place you were born. That’s it – totally simple. Some astrologers tell you that this map describes an inescapable fate. At LILA, we only believe that it is your fate to face certain questions and possibilities in life. How you respond to them is 100% up to you. Your birth chart lays out that whole menu of possibilities. Even better, it points you toward the higher ground and helps you get there. Your chart reveals how to live your best life. 

You’ve been given the seeds of the exact talents, skills, and insights that you need to live happily and successfully. That’s the treasure your birth chart reveals. When you buy a new piece of technology, you know how doomed you’d be without the manual. Think of your birth chart as an instruction manual for your life!

Co-Founder & astrologer

Ricky Williams

Upon the completion of a successful professional football career, Ricky Williams turned his attention to spiritual exploration and development. A Gemini fueled by a passion for learning, Ricky practices yoga, meditation, astrology, craniosacral therapy, pranic healing, and Ayurvedic medicine. During his 16 years of studying astrology and interpreting clients' birth charts, Ricky discovered a teacher in world-renowned evolutionary astrologer Steven Forrest. The two worked with Ricky's wife, Linnea Miron, to found LILA in 2020.

Co-founder and Astrologer

Steven Forrest

Steven Forrest is the celebrated author of 16 astrological bestsellers, including the staple text The Inner Sky. Over the years, he has traveled worldwide to teach his brand of choice-centered evolutionary astrology. Thousands of people have passed through Steven’s Astrological Apprenticeship Program since its inception in 1998. He has also created a successful online school, The Forrest Center for Evolutionary Astrology. Steven lives in California’s Anza-Borrego Desert with his partner, artist Michelle Valborg Kondos.